Below are short bits & pieces on sportscard & baseball trading card collecting.
Please wander around the website for more info, prices, values & images
on vintage baseball, football, basketball, hockey, sport and non-sports cards.
1969/1970 Transogram Statues & Figurines Cards & Complete Boxes
The 1969 Transogram Statues/Figurines baseball card set has (60)
2-1/2" x 3-1/2" cards from backs of Transogram figurine boxes.
Boxes with 1 or 3 figurines/cards were sold and they were .
packed with Hall-of-Famers like Mickey Mantle, Roberto Clemente,
Willie Mays & Hank Aaron.
In honor of the 1969 World Champion New York Mets, Transogram issued
the 1970 Transogram New York Mets set of (15) figurines/cards
in the form of (5) complete boxes.
Click for complete
1969 Topps Transogram Statues/Figurines & cards checklist & prices
Note: You may be on that page now.
1991 Topps Desert Shield cards Checklist & Values
The 792 card 1991 Topps Desert Shield Baseball card set was issued by
Topps for the soldiers serving in the Gulf War. The Desert Shield set is
a variation of Topps regular 1991 baseball card with each card having a
special gold-foiled 'Desert Shield' stamp added to the front.
Many of the cards, scooped up by military personnel stateside, never made
it overseas. The equivalent of approx 6,500 sets of cards were made.
Cards are still sought after and fairly scarce with complete sets
nearly impossible to find. Be aware of counterfeits. Fakes can easily be
determined by comparing the gold foil logo with a real Desert Shield card.
The Chipper Jones rookie is the key card in the set along with the usual
super stars like Nolan Ryan, Ken Griffey Jr., Cal Ripken ...
Click for complete
1991 Topps Topps Desert Shield checklist, values and prices.
1960 Nu-Card Baseball Hi-Lites Checklist & Prices
This 72-card set of large (3-1/4" x 5-3/8") cards called 'Hi-Lites'
featured baseball highlights. Printed in red and black, card
fronts resembled a newspaper front page.
Backs featured trivia question (with answer) sending you to a card
with more info.
Rare cards #1-18 can be found blank-backed with just black printing.
In 2 months on eBay, NONE of nearly (200) 1960 Nu-Cards listings were
black only ! Other than #1 Ruth, black only cards are nearly identical
differing only in print color and copyright.
Click for complete
1960 Nu-Card Baseball Hi-Lites checklist and prices
Note: You may be on that page now.
Click for complete
1961 Nu-Card Baseball Scoops checklist & prices
How long have sports cards been around ? (part 2)
The first important and mainstream basketball set was issued by Bowman in 1948.
Other than a Topps set in 1957-58 and a 1961-62 Fleer set, there were no
mainstream basketball sets issued until Topps started producing yearly sets
beginning with their 1969-70 set featuring the rookie card of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar,
who then went under the name of Lew Alcindor.
In hockey, there were a few sets issued in the 1910's and while O-Pee-Chee issued
some sets in the 1930's, the real modern sets began in 1951 with the itroduction
of Parkhurst's first set.
In racing, while cards go back as far as the early Indy car days of 1911,
modern racing sets began in 1988 with the issues released by MAXX.
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